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Los 5 mejores proveedores de grupos electrógenos diésel marinos en Polonia

2024-08-28 16:47:15
Los 5 mejores proveedores de grupos electrógenos diésel marinos en Polonia

We produce powerful, highly reliable industrial diesel generator sets for the maritime industry that cannot afford to compromise on power systems. Poland is a country that borders on the Baltic Sea, which has excellent shipbuilding traditions in time and high demand for marine diesel generator sets. They are the heart and soul of all sizes of ships, from small fishing boats to huge cargo carriers; providing continuous electricity for navigation, communication as well other vital processes onboard. In this piece, we will explore the moving parts of supplier resilience & innovation within it and talk through who have been identified as our top 5 suppliers that are proving to be solid foundation material. 

Una visión general del mercado polaco 

The renowned marine industry of Poland finds its roots in their favourable coastal environment and a seafaring history over many centuries. Its marine includes the shipbuilding, repair services and offshore operations in which there is wide usage of marine diesel generator sets. As stricter environmental legislations follow, we ae seeing a move towards greener alternatives without losing out on performance. This has driven the need for advanced generator sets with better emission standards and reduced fuel consumption. 

Mejor fabricante de grupos electrógenos marinos en Polonia 

Si bien hay muchos proveedores en el mercado, solo un puñado de ellos ha alcanzado esta capacidad y se ha diferenciado en base a la calidad, la innovación y el cumplimiento de estándares globales. 

One of the better-known genset suppliers in Poland, this one boasts an extensive range of marine power solutions. Constructed to be rugged and marine grade; their diesel generator sets are tough as nails. The beauty of this is its customization - they are able to offer extremes generator sets that blend seamlessly with any given power system. 

In addition to classification and certification, this one also entered the market for sales of marine equipment like high-power diesel generator sets. With their deep knowledge on maritime safety standards, it makes sure each power generator they provide complies to the most stringent of safety and environmental requirements giving confidence building within shipbuilders as well as operators. 

This one, a daughter company of another company, that is a global player on technical market. They provide a mix of power, dependability and support that is second to none when it comes to branded generator sets under the company. Their generator sets are engineered to deliver peak performance in even the most challenging marine conditions, and supported by a global service network that ensures assistance is always close at hand no matter where you travel. 

Next is a part of a Korean group which capitalises on the extensive R&D capabilities within the group for developing marine diesel generator sets that are cutting edge. Their generator sets are praised for their sophistication, energy efficiency and noise levels which lend well to modern shipbuilding projects in the commercial sector calling for both sustainability and performance. 

Marine Genset Manufacturing Being their forte for this company, deep in the energy and engineering core. These are compact & easy for maintaining in design. The continuous improvement and customer-oriented approach of the other one has given the Polish manufacturer its role as a leading supplier to both domestic Danish, but also on foreign maritime markets. 


Proporcionar una fusión perfecta de tradición e innovación con el mercado polaco de grupos electrógenos diésel marinos. En particular, los proveedores antes mencionados reflejan un nivel de excelencia que impulsa el crecimiento de la industria marítima. Polonia se ha convertido en un innovador global en soluciones marinas, desde los grandes operadores que aportan conocimientos de ingeniería de clase mundial hasta entidades locales que inventan tecnologías de vanguardia. Polonia presenta una enorme reserva de capacidades. Impulsado por el grupo marítimo polaco, incluidos sus proveedores centenarios de motores marinos, listos para navegar nuevas aguas en los albores de la conciencia ecológica global y la revolución tecnológica, respaldados por una confiabilidad como nunca antes.